Archives: Episode

Sermons Podcast

July 23, 2017 – For the Love of God

Pastor Scharf preaches from Joshua 23:1-11 on July 23 2017. You can find more by visiting the sermon page. After a long time had passed and the Lord had given Israel rest from all their enemies around them, Joshua, by then a very old man, summoned all Israel—their elders, leaders, judges and officials—and said to […]

July 23, 2017 – For the Love of God Read More »

Sermons Podcast

July 16, 2017 – There’s No Fine Print in Following Jesus

Pastor Sutton preaches from Matthew 10:34-42 on July 16, 2017. You can find out more by visiting the sermon page. “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a

July 16, 2017 – There’s No Fine Print in Following Jesus Read More »

Sermons Podcast

July 9, 2017 – Jesus, Savior from All Troubles

Pastor Smith preaches from Jeremiah 19:14-20:6 on July 9, 2017. You can find out more by visiting the sermon page. Then Jeremiah came back from Topheth, where the LORD had sent him to prophesy, and he stood in the courtyard of the House of the LORD and said to all the people: “This is what

July 9, 2017 – Jesus, Savior from All Troubles Read More »

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