Cemetery Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution and Bylaws as amended 6-5-20 I I

St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery is the property of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. New Ulm, Minnesota, U. A. C. A Cemetery Committee under the supervision of the Board of Properties administers the Cemetery. The Committee shall consist of five members. Members shall serve for a 3- year term with no limit to the number of successive terms for an individual. The Board of Properties shall fi]I vacancies on the Committee by appointment.

Section 2.

No burial grave (single or multiple) shall become the legal property of individual owner (s) but shall remain the property of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Only the right to bury in stated grave (s) can be purchased. The purchase of this burial right shall be restricted to members of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church or members of congregations in fellowship with it.

Section 3.

The purchaser of the burial rights shall stipulate on the purchase record the person (s) to whom the burial rights are to be transferred. The burial rights can be transfon-ed only to immediate family members nr members in good standing at St. Paul"s Evangelical Lutheran Church or a congregation in fellowship with it. If a purchaser or transferee has no forther use of the burial rights, he may, without compensation, rctum the rights to the congregation. Purchasers or their transferees may nut sell or barter burial rights to a third party.

Section 4.

If, after diligent search, no transferee of the burial rights can be found within three (3) years after the purchaser's or transferee·s death. the unused burial rights will be forfeited and revert to the congregation. The congregation shall thereupon have the authority lo sell burial rights in the unused graves, without any liability whatsoever.

Section 5.

The Cemetery Committee shall create and enforce rules governing the cemetery. They are to report regularly to the Board of Properties. From time to time, they shall review and recommend to the Board of Properties a schedule of prices for burial rights and other services. The Cemetery Committee shall be responsible for orderly and efficient record keeping and all other matters necessary for the care and orderly operation of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery.

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