A Family of Believers
St. Paul's is a family of believers that has gathered in New Ulm to worship, grow, and serve together since 1865. Together we support one another in raising children to be disciples of Jesus, in reaching out in love to our community, and in living to the glory of God. Our mission is to make and nurture disciples of Jesus.
We call ourselves Christians because we believe what all true Christians believe - that God is a Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; that all humans are sinful and in need of salvation; that God the Son was born as the human known as Jesus Christ, who gave us salvation by living a perfect life in our place, dying an innocent death in our place, and rising from the dead; and that through the gift of faith we will live with God forever in heaven.

We are Evangelical Lutherans
We call ourselves Evangelical because we believe the Gospel alone creates faith. "Evangelical" comes from the Greek word Euangelion, which means "good news." That good news is that Jesus has taken away all our sins.
We call ourselves Lutheran because we agree with the historic teachings of the Lutheran Confessions as expressed in the Book of Concord. These are the teachings of the Bible, explained by Martin Luther and his friends 500 years ago at the time of the Reformation. They wrote these explanations to confront problems in the church at their time, and their explanations are still good today. Central to the Lutheran teachings is the belief that we are saved only by God's grace through the free gift of faith, which God the Holy Spirit works in us through the Gospel and Sacraments.
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
St. Paul's is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

Want to Learn More?
Join the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church WELS family of believers in New Ulm, MN.
Connect with any of the ministry staff to learn more about our offerings and services.