Where Youth Connect with Christ
At St. Paul's Church, we offer many youth activities to keep our younger members connected to Christ. God has adopted them into his family through our baptisms and has gathered all of us as a family of believers here at St. Paul's.
St. Paul's wants to support teens in being spiritually strong. Over the course of the year, we have a variety of offerings for the youth age group, including SPLat Youth Group, Confirmation classes, mission trips, and retreats.

Confirmation Classes
A catechism is a book that presents a summary of Christian doctrine. Catechisms are not meant to be a complete statement of the beliefs and practices of the Christian church, but rather present the basics of the Christian doctrine in the form of questions followed by answers.
The purpose of catechism instruction at St. Paul's is to lead children to have a greater appreciation for what their Savior, Jesus Christ, has done and continues to do for them.
It is our prayer that after receiving the more in-depth study of God's Word, the children will be led by the Holy Spirit to publicly confess their faith in their Savior and also to publicly promise to remain faithful to God and his word until they die. This promise is a continuation of the one taken on their behalf at their baptism and is called Confirmation. Confirmation at St. Paul's takes place on the first Sunday in May.
In catechism class, often called "Confirmation" class, the students study in-depth:
The Ten Commandments
The Apostles Creed
The Lord's Prayer
Lord's Supper
The Use of the Keys and Confession
Doctrines associated with these chief parts

At St. Paul's we use this question and answer approach to teach the basics of Christian doctrine to all of our children. However, in the 7th and 8th grades we spend more time and go into greater depth in the Christian doctrines than we do in the lower grades.
Children enrolled in St. Paul's School meet with the pastor and staff minister two or three times a week—usually during the morning session of the school day—for an in-depth study of Christian doctrine. Children enrolled in public school meet Wednesday evenings for an in-depth study of Christian doctrine. Those enrolled in public school also study core Bible history lessons on Wednesdays.
For more information about Catechism classes, please contact the church office.
Join us for SPLaT
SPLaT stands for "St. Paul's Lutheran Teens" and is open to 7th-12th graders. It usually takes place two times each month on Saturday evenings. We play wacky games, engage in large group devotion and small group reflection, share snacks, and sing songs. Older teens encourage younger teens and pre-teens and lead them in reflection. The venue and planned activities are often different, so keep an eye on our Facebook page and Weekly Bulletin for info on the next gathering.

Join Our Spiritual Retreats
We encourage teens to attend Camp Phillip in Wautoma, WI to provide spiritual growth retreats for our teens and confirmation students. Camp Phillip has three teen retreats during the year, and we facilitate registrations for our teens to attend. We also organize a Confirmation retreat at Camp Phillip in the fall for our 7th and 8th graders.
Teen retreats at Camp Phillip include fun and unique games using the camp's custom facilities, in-depth Bible studies aimed at teens, lots of time for fun and fellowship, and lodging and food at modern facilities. Many people have said, "It's hard to explain what makes Camp Phillip so awesome, but after you go once, you can't wait to go back." Teen retreats take place in October, January, and March.
For more about Camp Phillip, visit their website.
Why Join Our Mission Trips?
Each summer teens from St. Paul's and surrounding congregations provide assistance to smaller congregations throughout the nation. We help with Vacation Bible School, sports camps, canvassing projects, or other mission-related work. If you are interested in going on a mission trip, contact the church office for more information or to apply.
Upcoming Youth Events
There are no upcoming events at this time. Please check back soon.