St. Paul's Church Library Online
The St. Paul’s Church Library has been cataloged and is now online! Simply click on the link and browse through the catalog or search for the title, author, or subject that interests you. St. Paul’s TinyCat catalog is easy to use from your phone, laptop, or desktop. Website address is:
You will find a link on the TinyCat home page to set up a patron account to use the online catalog.
Online TinyCat Catalog
- All church materials are now searchable online on the site called TinyCat.
- At this time there is no computer in the library.
- You can search the library from any mobile or desktop device that is connected to the internet.
- You can search from home through the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church website.
- Search the library collection by author, title, and keyword.
Provide Us With Your Contact Information
- How would you like to be contacted about your borrowed church library materials?
- Fill out the Contact Information form at the check-out table, and place it in the box provided.
- Or go online and create an account.
- Your information will remain private.
Checkout Procedures
- Our library is a self-checkout system. The online catalog will assist you in finding materials in the library.
- Please set up your account online, look for the link below the search box, or fill out an information slip in the library.
- Remove the index card from the back of the book.
- Sign the card with your name and note when your book is due from the chart provided. Look for today’s date, your due date will be in 3 weeks.
- Place the card in the basket provided.
- The library staff will use your card to enter your checkout information in the catalog.
- Any time an item is entered into the catalog, you will receive an email informing you that this item is checkout out to you and when the book is due. (Your email needs to be on your patron account to get these emails).
Want to Renew Your Materials?
- You can renew materials for an additional 3 weeks.
Want to Learn More?
Join the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church WELS family of believers in New Ulm, MN.
Connect with any of the ministry staff to learn more about our offerings and services.