God’s People Gather

Save the Dates: September 17-18-19, 2022 for God’s People Gather at St. Paul’s

Gods People Gather Graphic

Now it’s time to celebrate! Let’s celebrate being able to gather together in-person again. Let’s celebrate the joy we experience as a family of believers when we worship together—fellowship with each other—serve together—and take the Lord’s supper side by side.

At each worship service on September 17-18-19, we will celebrate as a church family and praise God, together in-person at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Let’s praise God for keeping his people safe and our congregation together. Psalm 26:8 says, “I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells.” This is why we gather.

Please join us for in-person worship that weekend with your church family. Likely you are busy with many things this Fall – but make this day a priority for St. Paul’s. Check your calendars, circle the time of your favorite service on it, and make plans to attend. It will be more special with you and your family there. We will have special music, treats, and much more.

Click here for more details about this celebration weekend.