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Daily Devotion Archive
God’s Word for You – Numbers 19:1-6 The red heifer is burned
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 19:1-6 In this chapter, God gives Israel the procedure for purification from the uncleanness of death. Purification Rites 19 The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron: 2 These are requirements of the law which the LORD has commanded. Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without blemish, one […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 2:13-14 The Levite
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU MARK 2:13-14 The Calling of Levi (Matthew) 13 Jesus went out again along the sea. The whole crowd went to him, and he taught them. 14 As he was passing by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him. And Levi got […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 2:13-14 The Levite
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU MARK 2:13-14 The Calling of Levi (Matthew) 13 Jesus went out again along the sea. The whole crowd went to him, and he taught them. 14 As he was passing by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him. And Levi got […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 18:25-32 The tithe of tithes
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 18:25-32 25 The LORD told Moses 26 to speak to the Levites and tell them this: When you receive from the Israelites the tithe, which I have given to you as your possession, you will lift up an elevated offering from it for the LORD, a tenth of the tithe. […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 18:20-24 Trust
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 18:20-24 20 The LORD also said these things to Aaron: You will not have any allotment of land among them in the land, and you will not have any share among them. I am your share and your possession among the people of Israel. God had promised acres upon acres, […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 18:17-19 The salt of the covenant
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 18:17-19 17 However, you may not redeem the firstborn of the cattle, sheep, or goats. They are set aside as holy. You will splash their blood on the altar and turn their fat into smoke as an offering made by fire, with a pleasing aroma to the LORD. 18 Their […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 18:8-16 The flock looks after its shepherd
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 18:8-16 Offerings to Support the Priests and Levites 8 The LORD spoke to Aaron. This is what he said: See, I myself have put you in charge of the elevated offerings made to me. All of the holy things from the Israelites I have given to you as an allotment […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 18:1-7 The gift of service
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 18:1-7 Duties of the Priests and Levites 18 The LORD gave these directions to Aaron: It is unusual for the Scriptures to say that “the LORD said to Aaron” (the same as “gave directions” here) rather than to either Moses (Numbers 3:5) or “Moses and Aaron” (Numbers 2:1). Of […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 2:5-7 The Son of Man heals
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU MARK 2:8-12 8 Jesus immediately knew in his spirit that they were thinking this way within themselves. No one else has all of the attributes of God except God alone. Jesus has the attributes of God just as he has the attributes of man (Hebrews 2:14-18), and therefore Jesus is truly […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 17:8-13 Aaron’s budding staff
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 17:8-13 8 On the next day Moses went into the Tent of the Testimony and discovered that Aaron’s staff representing the house of Levi had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced almonds. There was no difference between any of the twelve staffs that were in the tent. They were all dead […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 17:1-7 A miracle is promised
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 17:1-7 Aaron’s Staff Is Chosen 17 The LORD spoke to Moses: 2 “Speak to the Israelites, and collect staffs from them, one from each father’s house, from all their tribal chiefs according to their fathers’ houses, twelve staffs in all. Write each man’s name on his staff. 3 Write […]
God’s Word for You – Numbers 16:41-50 The whole kit and caboodle
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU NUMBERS 16:41-50 Centuries after Korah and his followers were put to death by the Lord for their sin, their names lived on as a warning. Jude rightly says that the fate of false teachers will be just the same: “They speak abusively against whatever they do not understand… they have been […]