Daily Devotions

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Daily Devotion Archive

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:14-15 All my bones are pulled apart

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:14-15 Click to listen to this devotion. 14 I am poured out like water,and all my bones are pulled apart.My heart is like wax;it has melted away in my chest.15 My strength is dried up like broken pottery.My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;You lay me in the dust […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:11-13 Bulls and lions surround me

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:11-13 Click to listen to this devotion. 11 Do not be distant from me,for trouble is near and there is no one to help. David recalls the first verse of the Psalm here: “My God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me?” He brings these […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:6 From the womb

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:9-10 Click here to listen to this devotion 9 But you are the one who brought me out of the belly.You made me trust when I was at my mother’s breasts.10 I was cast on you from the womb.From the belly of my mother you have been my God. There is […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:7-8 Let him deliver him

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:7-8 Click to listen to this devotion. 7 All who see me mock me.They insult with their lips. They shake their heads.8 They say, “Trust in the LORD.”“Let the him deliver him.Let him rescue him, if he delights in him.” In his commentary on the Psalms, Dr. John Brug describes these […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:6 A worm and not a man

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:6 Click to listen to this devotion. 6 But I am a worm and not a man.I am scorned by men and despised by people. The cross that David bore was the scorn of people in his time, especially King Saul who hated and envied him (1 Samuel 18:9). David compares […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:4-5 No shame

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:4-5 Click to listen to this devotion. 4 In you our fathers trusted.They trusted and you delivered them.5 They cried out to you, and they were delivered.They trusted in you, and they were not disappointed. David remembers the many times when Israel trusted God and were delivered. They escaped from Egypt, […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:3 Holiness

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:3 Click to listen to this devotion. 3 Yet you are the Holy One.You are seated, and praised by Israel. What trouble is so near as the threat of death? What pain is so sharp as the loss of someone we love? Who is it we look to at times such […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:1-2 Why have you forsaken me

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:1-2 Click to listen to this devotion. 1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?The words of my groaning do nothing to save me.2 My God, I call out by day, but you do not answer.I call out by night, but for me there is no repose. Here is […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22 Title – The Doe of the Morning

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22, Title Click to listen to this devotion. For the remainder of this Lenten season, we turn our attention to one of the great Psalms of Lent, Psalm 22. Rather than covering this Psalm quickly in a matter of days or all at once, we will walk slowly through these verses […]

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 10:25-26 The butcher shop

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 10:25-26 Click to listen to this devotion. 25 Whatever is sold in the butcher shop, eat it without asking anything on account of conscience. 26 For “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” This is Paul’s counsel especially for the weak, not for the strong. The macellum (Greek […]

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 10:24 the good of the other

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 10:24 Click to listen to this devotion. 24 No one should seek his own good, but the good of the other. I won’t apologize for my translation here. Paul says “other” in the singular, not “others” in the plural. And he uses a definite article, “the.” No one should seek […]

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 10:23 Not all things are beneficial

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 10:23 Click to listen to this devotion. 23 “All things are lawful,” but not all things are beneficial. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. This verse begins a new section in many editions of the Bible. Paul has covered the issues of going to feasts dedicated […]

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