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Daily Devotion Archive
God’s Word for You – James 2:14-17 Faith and works
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 2:14-17 Beware an Inactive Faith 14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says that he has faith but has no works? Is that faith able to save him? There is a German word, Maulchristen, which means “mouth-Christian.” This is a person who says he is a Christian, who […]
God’s Word for You – James 2:12-13 Merciful and merciless
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 2:12-13 12 So speak and act as if you are about to be judged by the law of freedom. In the previous verses, James condemned us as having sinned against every part of the law of God, even if we thought we had broken just one part of it. Now […]
God’s Word for You – James 2:8-11 The whole law
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 2:8-11 8 However, if you are carrying out the royal law according to the Scripture: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. 9 But if you show favoritism, you are committing a sin, since you are convicted by this law as transgressors. Verse 8 assures us […]
God’s Word for You – James 2:5-7 God chose you
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 2:5-7 5 My dear brothers, listen! Didn’t God choose the poor of the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom, which he promised to those who love him? 6 But you dishonored the poor man. God does not bar the wealthy from entering his […]
God’s Word for You – James 2:1-4 Favoritism
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 2:1-4 Warning Against Partiality 2 My brothers, have faith in Jesus Christ our Lord of glory without any connection to favoritism. 2 For example, suppose a man enters your place of worship wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man also enters wearing tattered clothing. 3 If […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:26-27 Orphans and widows
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:26-27 26 If anyone considers himself to be religious but deceives his own heart because he does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, his religion is worthless. I would like to think that James the coach is saying this only to encourage his people, and that his words […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:22-25 Forget what’s in the mirror?
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:22-25 James the coach just said, to his people and to us, “Receive the word planted in you. It is able to save your souls.” Even though he does not repeat this gospel truth again and again, it is the basis for everything else that he says. We are saved […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:19-21 Quick to listen
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:19-21 19 Understand this, my dear brothers: Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. 20 For a man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness. James warns the scattered Christian Jews about what they say in every chapter of this letter. Here in […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:16-18 God does not change
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:16-18 Receive and Do What God’s Word Says 16 Do not be deceived, my dear brothers. 17 All giving that is good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like a shifting shadow. 18 Just as he planned, he […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:12-15 God tempts no one
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:12-15 Temptation 12 Blessed is the man who endures a trial patiently. When he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God promised to those who love him. Verse 12 returns to the very first thing James said, which was to consider it to be […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:9-11 a flower in the grass
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:9-11 Rich and Poor 9 Now, let the lowly brother boast in his high position, 10 and the rich one in his lowly position, because like a flower in the grass he will pass away. James is addressing people he knows, members of his church who had to flee from […]
God’s Word for You – James 1:6-8 Pray bravely
GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JAMES 1:6-8 The day after Jesus rode a donkey triumphantly into Jerusalem, he was hungry and decided to look urgently through the leaves of a fig tree to find some figs. Finding none, he cursed the tree saying, “May there never be fruit from you again!” It died on the spot, […]