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Daily Devotion Archive
God’s Word for You – Psalm 27:1-3 Our refuge
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 27:1-3 Listen to this devotion. 27 Of David I like to think of David’s time as king in four periods, all about ten or eleven years, after the first part which was just a little shorter than that. First, David reigned in Hebron. He was at war with Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 5:25-30 Who touched me?
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUMARK 5:25-30 Listen to this devotion. 25 But there was a woman there who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years. 26 She had suffered much under many physicians, spending all that she had, but she did not get better. She grew worse. This poor woman suffered from a terrible, […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 5:21-24 The sick girl
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUMARK 5:21-24 Listen to this devotion. 21 And when Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered about him while he was at the seaside. 22 One of the synagogue rulers, a man named Jairus, came to him, and seeing him, he fell at his […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 40:13-17 May the Lord think of me
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 40:13-17 Listen to this devotion. 13 Be pleased, O LORD, to save me!Hurry, O LORD, to help me!14 Let those who seek to end my lifebe put to shame and completely humiliated.Let those who seek to ruin me be turned back and be disgraced!15 Let those who say to me, “Aha, […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 40:11-12 My sins on the cross
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 40:11-12 Listen to this devotion. 11 As for you, O LORD,you do not hold back your mercy from me;let your mercy and your faithfulness always protect me!12 Troubles without number surround me.My sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see.My sins number more than the hairs of my head,and my heart […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 40:9-10 This is our salvation
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 40:9-10 Listen to this devotion. 9 I preach righteousness in the great congregation;behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O LORD.10 I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;I speak of your faithfulness and your salvation;I do not hide your mercy and your truthfrom the great congregation. […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 40:6-8 The Book of the Bible
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 40:6-8 Listen to this devotion. 6 Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,but you have given me a listening ear.Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required.7 Then I said, “Here I am, I have come;the Bible written on a scroll tells about me.8 I delight in doing your will, […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 40:4-5 Types of Miracles
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 40:4-5 Listen to this devotion. 4 Blessed is the one who puts his trust in the LORD,who does not look to the proud,or to those who go astray after a lie! Quite a few psalms have at least one verse that begins, “Blessed….” A study of Jesus’ Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11) is […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 5:19-20 “No.”
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUMARK 5:19-20 Listen to this devotion. 19 But Jesus would not let him. Instead, he told him, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he had mercy on you.” 20 The man left and began to proclaim in the Decapolis everything […]
God’s Word for You – Mark 5:18 Let me follow you
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUMARK 5:18 Listen to this devotion. 18 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to stay with him. Mark tells a story the way you might, just to your spouse or between friends. He uses present tense verbs for something that happened, as he was […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 40:1-3 Out of the quicksand and bursting with song
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 40:1-3 Listen to this devotion. Psalms 36-41 fall under a general theme of suffering, and within that group, Psalms 37-40 describe waiting for the Lord to answer prayers. This psalm (40) shows the answer to the prayer. This psalm and the next one are also Messianic. Together they bring to an […]
God’s Word for You – Psalm 62:11-12 Rewards in heaven
GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 62:11-12 Listen to this devotion. 11 One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard:that you, O God, are strong,12 and that you, O Lord, are loving.Surely you will reward each personaccording to what he has done. Are there rewards in heaven? Let’s look carefully at what David says, not […]