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Daily Devotion Archive

God’s Word for You – Luke 17:11 on the borderland

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 17:11 11 Now on the way to Jerusalem he was going along the borderlands between Samaria and Galilee. At this point, it seems as if Luke was thinking of the arrangement of his book. Having a few more accounts from Jesus’ life selected from the sources he investigated (1:3), he […]

God’s Word for You – Jonah 3:4 unworthy ministers

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JONAH 3:4 4 On the first day, Jonah began to go through the city. He preached: “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned.” This wasn’t Jonah whole sermon, but what we would call his theme. Luther explains: “He must have enlarged on the themes why such wrath of God would […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 17:10 unworthy slaves

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 17:10 10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy slaves; we have only done our duty.’” The point our Lord is making is that the entire corpus of our life’s work does not merit anything toward our salvation. A […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 17:7-9 slavery

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 17:7-9 Jesus had taught his apostles about the power of working in the kingdom: the smallest faith could and would produce spectacular results, as amazing as planting a tree in the sea. But then the Lord immediately added a reminder of the place of all workers in that kingdom. We […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 17:5-6 as small as a mustard seed

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 17:5-6 5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” 6 He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. “Increase our faith!” Make our faith grow. […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 17:3-4 Forgive

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 17:3-4 3 Watch yourselves. If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. 4 “If he sins against you seven times in a day, and comes back to you seven times and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him.” Should we take this to be an abbreviated version of […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 17:1-3 rebuke and forgive

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU Chapter 17 continues the Savior’s ministry and preaching across the Jordan in Perea. Later in the chapter (17:11-19), Luke presents ten lepers asking for healing, after which the Lord will describe the approach of the Kingdom of God (17:20-37). This response to a certain Pharisee is the first of several such […]

God’s Word for You – Jonah 3:1-3 a journey of three days

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JONAH 3:1-3 3  The word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time, saying, 2 “Get up, go to Nineveh that great city and preach against it with the message I am giving you.” 3 Jonah set out and went to Nineveh, obeying the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 16:30-31 even if someone rises from the dead

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 16:30-31 30 But he said, ‘No, father Abraham! But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 Abraham replied to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, then they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” As Jesus’ […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 16:29b Is believing a good work?

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 16:29b ‘Let them listen to them.’” Here we have further reminded that the means of grace are the only means available to mankind for receiving the grace of God and for escaping from the gates of hell (Matthew 16:18). The means of grace, the gospel in word and sacrament, are […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 16:29a Moses and the Prophets

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 16:29a 29 “Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets.’ By saying this, Jesus and Abraham are saying: You have the Bible. This is enough for eternal life. This is where the Law is proclaimed and the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins is revealed. There is nothing demanded of […]

God’s Word for You – Luke 16:27-28 the ignorance of the damned

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU LUKE 16:27-28 27 “He said, ‘Then I beg you, father: I have five brothers. Send Lazarus to my father’s house 28 to warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ This is a remarkable passage. Without it, there would be many things about the dead […]

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