Daily Devotions

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Daily Devotion Archive

Psalm 76:7-9 To judge and to save

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU PSALM 76:7-9 7 You are to be feared, and only you. When you are angry, who can stand before you? This is echoed in Revelation 6:12-17, and both passages talk about judgment day. When God’s patience comes to an end, he will rise up and end everything. When the story is […]

Psalm 76:1-6 God’s victory

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU PSALM 76:1-6 PSALM 76 The God of Victory In Psalm 74, Asaph asked the question: “Why have you rejected us forever, O God? Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?” (Ps. 74:1; cp. Job 19:11). Psalms 75 and 76 bring answers to that question. First, God is […]

Psalm 75:6-10 The horns of the righteous

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU PSALM 75:6-10 6 Exaltation does not come from the east or from the west, nor from the desert, 7 for God is the Judge: He brings down one and exalts another. “Glory and trumpets!” Where does exaltation come, if not from any direction on earth? It comes from God the Judge. […]

Psalm 75:1-5 Do Not Destroy

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU PSALM 75:1-5 PSALM 75 The God of History This psalm is the fourth by Asaph and the third in this group (Psalms 73-83). Like the rest of Asaph’s psalms, this psalm draws from many of the same themes as the book of Job, and in my opinion this makes Asaph the […]

Ruth 3:5-8 Something’s afoot …

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU RUTH 3:5-8 5 Ruth answered, “I will do everything you say.” 6 She went down to the threshing floor, and did everything that her mother-in-law told her to do. 7 After Boaz finished eating and drinking, and he was in good spirits, he went to lie down at the end of […]

Judges 14:5-6 Samson kills a lion

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JUDGES 14:5,6 5 Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother. As they were entering the vineyards of Timnah, a young lion suddenly came roaring at him. 6 The Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him in power, and he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as […]

Judges 14:1-4 Who is responsible for sin

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JUDGES 14:1-4 This chapter is presented in three parts. First (vs. 1-4), Samson becomes infatuated with a Philistine girl and demands that his parents get her for him as his wife. This, we are told, was going to be used by the Lord to provoke an encounter with the Philistines. Second […]

Judges 13:24,25 Was Samson a giant?

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JUDGES 13:24,25 24 The woman gave birth to a son and named him Samson. The boy grew, and the LORD blessed him, 25 and the Spirit of the LORD began to stir him while he was in the Camp of Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol. Samson’s birth and childhood are recorded […]

Judges 13:19-23 Christ, truly present and truly ascended

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JUDGES 13:19-23 19 Manoah took a young goat and a grain offering and offered them on a rock to the LORD. Manoah brought the young male goat, and slaughtered it there on his own temporary altar, a single large rock. It was not what the LORD had commanded through Moses, but […]

Judges 13:15-18 Wonderful!

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JUDGES 13:15-18 15 Then Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, “Please stay here and we will prepare a young goat for you. 16 The angel of the LORD answered, “Even if you convince me to stay, I will not eat any of your food. But if you want to […]

Ruth 3:4 Uncovering his feet

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU RUTH 3:4 4 When he lies down, notice the place where he is lying. Then go, uncover his feet, and lay down. He will tell you what to do.” Naomi was suggesting something very bold here, but was it something sinful? Was she proposing that Ruth should be sexually intimate with […]

Judges 13:9-14 The baby in the womb

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU JUDGES 13:9-14 9 God heard Manoah, and the angel of God returned to the woman while she was out in the field, but her husband Manoah was not with her. 10 The woman ran quickly to her husband and said, “The man who came to me the other day has just […]