Daily Devotions

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Daily Devotion Archive

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 11:1-2 Write them on the tablet of your heart

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 11:1-2 Click to listen to this devotion. 11 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. 2 I commend you, brothers, because you remember me in all things and you maintain the teachings as I have delivered them to you. Paul doesn’t tell us to imitate him because he […]

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 10:32-33 The house is on fire

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 10:32-33 Click to listen to this devotion. 32 Do not give offense to Jews or Greeks or to the church of God, 33 just as I try to please all people in all things, not seeking what is best for me, but the good of many, so that they may […]

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 10:31 All to the glory of God

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 10:31 Click to listen to this devotion. 31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God. This verse is an excellent summary of the doctrine of sanctification. “Sanctification” in its narrow sense is the new life of the Christian, both […]

God’s Word for You – 1 Corinthians 10:27-30 another man’s conscience

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU1 CORINTHIANS 10:27-31 Click to listen to this devotion. 27 If one of the unbelievers invites some of you to a dinner and you want to go, eat whatever is set before you without raising any question on account of conscience. 28 But if anyone says to you, “This has been offered […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:29-31 It is finished

PSALM 22:29-31 Click to listen to this devotion. 29 All the rich of the earth will eat and bow down;all who go down to the dust will bow before him–those who cannot keep themselves alive.30 Descendants will serve him;People will tell about the Lord to coming generations,31 and proclaim his deliverance to a people not […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:25-28 Praise the Lord

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:25-28 Click to listen to this devotion. 25 From you comes my praise in the great assembly;I will fulfill my vows before those who fear you.26 The poor will eat and be satisfied.Those who seek him shall praise the LORD!May he live in your hearts forever!27 All the ends of the […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:22-24 The resurrection

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:22-24 Click to listen to this devotion. In the first part of Psalm 22, David has prophetically described the terrible suffering of Christ leading up to his crucifixion and death on the cross. Whatever personal circumstances led him to write this poem have fallen by the wayside and as far as […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:19-21 My one and only life

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:19-21 Click to listen to this devotion. 19 But you, O LORD, do not be distant;O my Strength, come quickly to help me.20 Deliver my life from the sword,my one and only life from the power of the dogs.21 Save me from the mouth of the lions;answer me from the horns […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:18 They cast lots for my clothing

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:18 Click to listen to this devotion. 18 They divide my garments among themand cast lots for my clothing. This verse suggests that at one time or another, enemies may have ransacked David’s house and stolen whatever they could find, or else enemies plundered his camp when he was elsewhere fighting. […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:17 They stare and gloat

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:17 Click to listen to this devotion. 17 I can count all my bones.They stare and gloat over me. David’s troubles forced him to travel long distances through hard country; stoney mountains, salt deserts, wastelands where vultures and scorpions were the only living things. The dry, empty caves where the Dead […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:16 They have pierced

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:16 Click to listen to this devotion. 16 Dogs have surrounded me.A band of evil men has encircled me,they have pierced my hands and my feet. This passage takes us once again from David’s troubles in the tenth century BC to the cross with a clear and vivid connection. The Lord’s […]

God’s Word for You – Psalm 22:14-15 All my bones are pulled apart

GOD’S WORD FOR YOUPSALM 22:14-15 Click to listen to this devotion. 14 I am poured out like water,and all my bones are pulled apart.My heart is like wax;it has melted away in my chest.15 My strength is dried up like broken pottery.My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;You lay me in the dust […]

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